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Marvel Loves Denmark Better

Thursday night Ian and I were talking about the upcoming Avengers movie, and he mentioned that it comes out early in Denmark! It comes out a week earlier than in the United States. Suck it, America. Anyway, we looked on the danish site to find theaters airing the movie and we found a relatively cheap theater nearby our home. Usually danish theaters charge anywhere around 100 DKK (about $19 USD) for a ticket, which is absurd and the reason why Danes don't go to see movies... We got a cheap matinee and it was game time!

The movie was solid, and I don't plan to review it here... Or ever. But my one issue is that with so many super heroes, it is har to cover all of them correctly and allow the viewer to get a close connection to so many people. We got the theater just about to ourselves and got pastries for the show!

That same day, I decided to help my friend Ceire fulfil a lifelong dream of hers. Or at lease a week-long dream. Stout floats. We met up in the city, went to Netto to grab the nicest stouts we could find, and walked over to a square where they were selling soft-serve ice cream. We immediatelly flipped the cones upside-down and dropped the ice cream into our beers. It was a moment for the history books. The ice cream sweetens up the stout, and the beer soaks into the cone. What else could you ask for? With that, we sat and chatted for a couple hours in the Copenhagen "sun."

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